Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
Sweetness to the soul and health to the body

Proverbs 16:24

One can no more approach people without love than one can approach bees without care. Such is the quality of bees...

-Leo Tolstoy

He is not worthy of the honey-comb
That shuns the hives because the bees have stings

-William Shakespeare

Handle a book as a bee does a flower, extract its sweetness but do not damage it.

-John Muir

The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams.

-Henry David Thoreau

Seasonal Information for September

Specific recommendations for Deep East Texas beekeepers by Robert Jones

September is another normally hot month but proves to be a transition time from no nectar flow to the fall weed flow at about the third week of the month in Deep East Texas.

The last queens and splits should be finalized and completed before the third week. Anything that is bad or not quite right should be remedied by removal of the queen. You only want good thriving queens going into this final phase before winter time.

Complete all evaluations of every hive and be satisfied with your evaluations. The last look will come at the end of the weed honey flow and you may need to stack together some more supers at that time.

Get an extra super on everything before the third week to capture 40 to 60lbs of honey for wintering for every hive. The resources and the number of bees going into the winter will decide if they make it or not through the coming winter. Every hive, at a minimum, will need a medium honey super, or at best, an extra deep super to have enough resources. This should be your goal for every hive.

Read all Recommendations

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Our Mission

Our Theme is Service

Our Association’s Mission is first dedicated to honey bee education including all the different facts about and pleasures of keeping these wonderful creatures of God. Secondly, we are dedicated to the mission of service to others through internal mentoring and education of our club members as well as external programs to the general public. It is to these two missions we commit our combined efforts as an association to place into others, by mentoring, education, and apprenticeship, our love and passion for beekeeping. Our membership offers to all the much-needed experience that even beginners can have - the pleasure and joy we have personally each time we visit a beehive.

Our Purpose

  • Provide for the dissemination of good beekeeping practices and knowledge to its members.
  • Provide educational programs designed to improve production and marketing of honey bees and honey bee products to its members.
  • Disseminate to the public information as to the importance of honey bees and beekeeping activities in the production of food crops.
  • Support educational programs and projects in beekeeping.